


23rd Feb 22 -> 26th Feb 22




TAKE ME WITH YOU part II brings together staff and students from Central Saint Martins, City Lit, ENSAV La Cambre and The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. Working collaboratively the exhibition will be constructed over four days with the gallery open to the general public.

Recent events have seen many of us feeling increasingly isolated. The impact of Brexit and the pandemic on Arts Education has been devastating, the consequences of which are likely to be with us for years to come. This project proposes to resist the I I I of isolation and instead embraces the WE of a hybrid international Art School that for 4 days reimagines the future of Higher Education.

During the same week in parallel with the events taking place at The Koppel Project Hive, the students and lecturers in Belgium will be placed at BPS22 Museum in Charleroi, an external public gallery space, to explore innovative ways of looking at education, exhibition-making within and outside institutions, and the public process . The two cities will connect by a live broadcast on February 23rd in the respective gallery spaces - The Koppel Project Hive (UK) and BPS22 (BE). Through a series of public talks, workshops, and performances the exhibition will showcase its own construction. Come visit the art school of the future and help us make it a reality!

The BPS22 (acronym of Bâtiment Provincial Solvay, n°22 du boulevard Solvay) is the Art Museum of the Hainaut Province. Since its creation, in 2000, firstly as a contemporary creative space and since 2015, as a Museum, the BPS22 has positioned itself as one of the pioneers of the cultural development of Charleroi. The Museum favours art forms centred on current social news and the cultural phenomena characteristic of our times. Temporary, monographic or collective exhibitions are planned throughout the year. The founding principle of BPS22’s activity is social advancement through accession to culture, which is considered to be a form of “deepening of democracy”. This is an essential vector for democracy which allows citizens to approach the world in which they live in a more critical way.

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