


23rd Nov 17 -> 12th Jan 18

Mon-Fri 10am-6pm


Amelia BowlesAmelia Bowles
Amelia BowlesAmelia Bowles
Honor CarterHonor Carter
Robert DavisRobert Davis
Moyra DerbyMoyra Derby
Fiona GradyFiona Grady
Callum GreenCallum Green
Benjamin JonesBenjamin Jones
Antoine Langenieux-VillardAntoine Langenieux-Villard
Hannah LuxtonHannah Luxton
Andrea Medjesi-JonesAndrea Medjesi-Jones
Charley PetersCharley Peters
Anna SalamonAnna Salamon
Andrea V WrightAndrea V Wright

How can the texture of everyday life, its ever changing pace and rhythm, be embodied through the materiality of an artwork? This question is at the heart of Notes on Painting and is diversely addressed through installation, text, diagrams, painting, photography and moving image. The works represented economise and dispense with the formal definition of ‘painting’, questioning its construction and modes of making. Translated through various material manipulations, the exhibition urges us to consider that painting requires actual experience. It further highlights paintings relationship to touch; a subject central to contemporary critique.

Notes on Painting is composed of artists working under varied approaches towards coded rhythms of abstraction. The non-representational works have evident mimetic qualities. Each artist communicates through unique systems of visual identities, sounding their own note in the melody. Different works in the exhibition can either activate or absorb their surrounding environment in which they are situated, evoking a dialogue between internal and external space.

The Koppel Project Hive is situated in the basement space of the office building. The complex map of conduits and cables that run throughout the building are grounded and controlled in the basement. These service lines are kept hidden throughout the building enabling it to function, mirroring the silent moments within an artistic process. Notes on Painting aims to look beyond preconception to discover the artists intentions through the materiality of the work.

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