12th April 24
This open call is for artists who explore the expansive medium of drawing in their practice; either through the use of dry materials or by incorporating the process of drawing in any capacity. A selection of small sculptures to accompany the drawings in the gallery space will also be accepted.
The work can be of any visual style or context, contributing to a show consisting of a dynamic mix of artistic ideas!
This exhibition will be held at the KOPPEL Collective between the 19th and 23rd April 2024. The private view will be held from 6-9pm on Friday 19th April.
Download the application form here: APPLICATION FORM
DEADLINE: April 12th 2024, 23:59
-> Press Enquiriespress@thekoppelproject.com
Studios: +44 (0) 7885 810724 & +44 (0) 7746 251878
Operations: +44 (0) 7923 446896
Directorate: +44 (0) 7885 810721
Press: +44 (0) 7563 250870