"Pissing in the river, watching it rise”.
Not The Ascension of Christ disappearing into the clouds nor the earthly ascension of the human from the primaeval swamp. They were ascendancies over the mortal or lesser life forms, stories of transcendence, of rising above and beyond. Evolution as a struggle for verticality, of the intellectually, and spiritually, upwardly mobile Homo Erectus, ending with Elon Musk ejaculating himself into space.
This ascension is that of the warm piss rising in the river, of fireworks and fountains, not defying or mastering gravity but as an anti-gravitas. A form of levitas as a tactic to resist the dead weight of academia, the mortis of rigour. Ascension is a position against the instrumental, the useful or the valuable. It is pure expenditure, the release of weights, it is what goes up in smoke.
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